El baletista Roman Novitzky

Contemporary art Stuttgart Karlo Grados Oil painting Roman Novitzky Stuttgarter Ballett
El baletista Roman

El Baletista Roman Novitzky in its uniqueness. The accuracy of the representation of the body and the emphasis on the muscles make the aesthetics of reception of this oil painting a unique picture.
Roman Novitzky is first soloist of the Stuttgarter Ballet. Karlo and Roman have a long friendship with many commonalities, sport and art on different levels. He as a dancer, choreographer and photographer has a good connection to him as a painter, nutritionist and athlete. They have worked on several projects together and the chemistry between them is great. In This picture wanted Karlo to show him as he is. Strong, unique and sensitive. The picture belongs to series II, beauty of humans. It is a tribute to human nature.
The word „baletista“ does not actually exist in the Spanish language. It is an invention of the artist. This derivation seems very natural to the studied linguist.

Oil on canvas
Format: 80×120 cm.