Exhibitions Contemporary art Valencia

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March 29 – April 18, Venice International Art Fair 2021 in the Gallery ITSLIQUID – Venice
May/June ArtWalk – Stuttgart


September 19, 2020 Art-YOYO Stuttgart
September 26, 2020 ArtWalk Stuttgart
October 23 until November 20, 2020 group exhibition “Corpus Buch” at the Gallery Interart
March 7 to Jun 04 “Shizophrenia Revival!”  Café & Vinothek List
Februar 28 – jun 20 “Das Tier in mir” Galerie InterArt
March 20 ArtWalt Stuttgart where? in Braukeller of the Brauereigaststätte Dinkelacker. Tübinger street. 46 – 70178 Stuttgart.
10th. – 12th. January Treffpunkt Rotebühlplatz Stuttgart. Lernen. Bildung. Kultur


March 29 Vernissage “Shizophrenia” – Improve Training – Stuttgart
April 09 – April 12 “Dominion” Café Faust – Stuttgart
Jun 30 – July 14 group exhibition at Kulturinsel Stuttgart
October 27- November 25 group exhibition at Kultur Insel Stuttgart

Artist by the Gallery Interart, Stuttgart Germany
Member of the Art Association https://www.wkv-stuttgart.de